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Stay up-to-date on all things CareScribe via this blog. The team talks about neurodiversity, assistive technology, policy change, product updates, and much more.
First, there was neurodiversity. Then there was neurodivergence. Now there’s neurospicy?! Read this post to learn more.
What should you know about dyslexia to support people who have it? And are dyslexic people disabled? This post aims to review some of these questions and define some classifications.
Acquired neurodiversity is a type of neurodivergence that can impact individuals in different ways. To explain more, let’s get into some details about acquired neurodiversity and its impact on the people who have it.
People with disabilities face barriers to employment and Access to Work helps them overcome them with practical, government-funded support. In this post, we’ll explain more about the Access to Work scheme and how to apply for funds.
Workplace Needs Assessments are designed to provide an overview of any challenges employees might face at work, as a result of neurodiversity or disability. In this post, we’ll explain why a workplace needs assessment is important and offer further details on the assessment process.
The Access to Work grant, a government-funded initiative in England, Scotland, and Wales, aims to support neurodivergent individuals in the workplace. In this blog post we explore how the grant is empowering both employees and employers to help foster more inclusive work environments.