These Great Minds January 2025

Here’s the government’s best-kept secret to help you at work

Your guide to Access to Work is here! Learn about the tailored support available, how to apply, and be inspired by Gabrielle’s journey to workplace transformation.

Welcome to the first 2025 edition of These Great Minds! I hope you had a well-deserved break. 💞

In this edition, we’re revealing what Claire, our Marketing Director and neurodiversity advocate, refers to as the government’s best-kept secret: the Access to Work Scheme.

Let’s dive in!

So, what exactly is Access to Work?

To put it simply, the Access to Work scheme is a UK government initiative designed to provide financial assistance to help people overcome barriers at work due to a disability or health condition — including neurodivergence.

What specific support can you access?

You’ve probably noticed that I highlight the Access to Work scheme in nearly every edition. And here’s why…

This government’s best-kept secret, in fact, offers a range of support that can be tailored to match your unique challenges and needs. Let me give you some examples.

🧩 Assistive software like dictation software, captioning tools, or mind maps. These are just a couple of examples of assistive technology available to you through the Access to Work scheme.

🧠 Mental health support. In my opinion, this is one of the key supports you can receive, as we know that 7 out of 10 neurodivergent employees are suffering from mental health issues.

Thanks to this grant, you could be eligible for one-on-one sessions with a mental health professional to help with challenges in the workplace like burnout or ADHD meltdowns.

👔 Communication support. If you’re attending an interview or need extra support, the scheme has got your back.

For example, if you’re deaf or have hearing loss, you can get a communication support worker, like a BSL interpreter, to attend interviews with you.

🚃 Travel support. Yes, even your commute to work! The Access to Work Scheme can help cover those costs.

💡 Note: Access to Work will not cover reasonable adjustments, as it’s the responsibility of your employer to make these legal changes to support you.

💰 Find out the cap on the amount of support you may be eligible for.

Here’s your step-by-step guide for Access to Work

1️⃣ First things first: let’s check if you’re eligible.

2️⃣ If you are, the application process is pretty straightforward: You can apply through the government’s website or by using the Access to Work helpline.

✨ Applied to Access to Work? ✨

Share your experience now

3️⃣ What happens after you apply? A case manager will get in touch to discuss the assistance you could receive. They’ll discuss your award and create a customised support package.

👀 “Is my employer involved in this process?” You might ask.

The case manager will also contact your employer to discuss the support options available. In some cases, your employer may be asked to share the cost of some of the support or undergo a workplace assessment. Find out more here.

Watch Gabrielle’s Access to Work Story

We met Gabrielle when her assessors recommended Caption.Ed, our live captioning and note-taking software. I love Gabrielle’s story because it truly shows how much applying for the Access to Work scheme can transform the way you work.

Bookmark this page

You made it to the end! If you’ve got more questions, feel free to check out our detailed guide or head over to the government site.

📨 Not applying just yet? Remember to save this email as a handy reference for when you’re ready to apply for Access to Work.

💞 And if you’re not looking for support yourself, why not share this link with your peers who might find it helpful?

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Keep an eye out for our next edition. Until then, I’d love to hear your thoughts on what you’d like to see in future editions. This is a great chance to shape our newsletter to better meet your needs.

Looking forward to speaking you again next month!

These Great Minds 🧠

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